Dear Parents and Guardians,
Here is your STTH Communique for the week ending Friday, January 26th, 2023
Have a wonderful Weekend!
1) Click here for a message from the HFD Fire Safety First program
2) School Major Fundraiser
St. Thomas the Apostle will be holding a School Major Fundraiser from Monday, Jan. 29 to Friday, Feb.16
We have chosen to go with Muskoka Roastery Coffee Co.
The Proceeds of our fundraiser will go towards the purchase of new iPads for the classes .
There are 4 brands of coffee to choose from.
- Black Bear
- Howling Wolf
Loon Call Breakfast Blend
Muskoka Maple
Please complete the attached information sheet below with your orders and email it to [email protected] or have your child return the hard copy back to the office. Payment is made through Cash Online Only. Orders and payment are due on or by Friday Feb. 16th. Cash online will open on Monday, Jan. 29th, 2024.
Please call the school if you have any questions.
Click here for Muskoka Roastery Coffee Co. Order Form
3) Click for Mad Science Announcement
4) Kindergarten Registration is Here...
Parents can now order uniforms on line. We now have a COUPON CODE parents need to use to receive their 20% discount when ordering on line. This sales period is from February 1 to June 30 2024. Parents are to use the following code to receive their discount, kindergarten2024 Simply go to our website click on your school and order.
Please note, this sales coupon applies to kindergarten sales only.
Please click below for price and sizes:
Kindergarten January 2024.pdf
5) Pizza Order for Term 2
Cash online is open for term 2 pizza sales.
Start date: Wednesday, February 7th
End date: Wednesday, June 19th
Last day to order: Sunday, February 4th
Late orders will not be accepted.
6) International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 27th
January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, a place
where more than one million people, predominantly Jewish men, women and children, were murdered.
The United Nations has designated January 27th as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Please join us in prayer:
Eternal God, you hold all of our days in your hands.
On this day, we come before you to remember the victims
of the Holocaust. We lament the loss of the six million Jews who were killed n the Holocaust, the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution, and victims of other genocides. May our minds be clear and attentive to their memory and our hearts be moved to bear witness to their lives. Today, help us to remember and recognise the sanctity of each human life, that all people are made in Your image. One day, we pray that genocide and hatred will be no more, and that love will triumph over evil. In our prayers and in our actions, help us to show this love in the world today.
7) Click here for Burlington Blaze Lacrosse Camp at St. Thomas the Apostle School
8) STTH Science Fair
Reminder of our Science Fair in Monday, February 5th, 2024. Parents are welcome to visit and view the wonderful projects. Kindly be respectful of the judges circulating the area. Thank-you to Ms. Frank for leading this initiative.
9) Grade 8 Grad Photos
Grad portraits are scheduled for the morning of February 8th, 2024.
Click Here for More Information
Click Here for Additional Information
10) Parent Volunteer
Please reach out to us if you would like to volunteer some of your time in one of the classrooms.
11) Reminder of our Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Thomas the Apostle School on wed. Feb.14th
FDK and Primary Students @ 10:30am
Junior and Intermediate Students @ 11:15am