Welcome to St.Thomas the Apostle Catholic Elementary School!
Welcome to all our families and staff! A very warm welcome to all those who are joining us for the first time this year! It is an honour and privilege to be in the role of acting principal at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Elementary School. We are very fortunate to be located in the beautiful and growing community of Waterdown and to be apart of the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish under the spiritual guidance and leadership of Father Francis Noronha.
We are grateful for the privilege of Catholic education and to be in a faith-centered school environment and look forward to continuing to strengthen the bond between parish, school and home.
Let us be guided each day with our school prayer in which we say, "We promise to lead, learn, love and forgive as Jesus did," We have a phenomenal community made up of 700 incredible students, staff, and parents. Each day is a blessing and a chance for us to learn, grow and develop our talents and abilities.
Please ensure that we have your most recent email address in order to receive our school emails as this is our main way to communicate with parents and guardians. And be sure to follow us on Instagram @stth.ces
Mrs. C. Scheben (Acting Principal) & Mrs. K. Ciapanna (Vice-Principal)